Rai 1, tv program Linea Bianca from the National Park of Sila in Calabria on February 24 at 2 p.m.

The Sila Plateau, located in the heart of Calabria, extends between the provinces of Cosenza, Catanzaro and Crotone. Its territory, of over 150 thousands hectares, is historically divided into three parts: Sila Grande, Sila Piccola, Sila Greca. The National Park of majestic peaks and centuries-old forests offers a unique experience to visitors who along the hiking trails will enjoy breathtaking landscapes now at the center of the awareness of the importance of the ecosystem. On February 24 at 2 p.m., TV hosts Massimiliano Ossini, Giulia Capocchi and Lino Zani, will take the Rai 1 audience on a visit to Camigliatello Silano, Lorica, Croce di Magara where 350 years old trees are 45 meters tall with 2 meters wide trunks, the nature reserve I Giganti della Sila, among Italy’s most appreciated sites of FAI (Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano). Snow-capped peaks, forests, pastures, traditions of local population where, in Contrada S. Maria Lagarò, the excellence of a family-run farm born from the experience of four generations contributes to making Sila a perfect destination. The program takes place within the scope of the convention agreement between Rai Com and the Region of Calabria.

February 23, 2024 (N. 47)