Raphael and his Madonnas

Reflections of the sky on Earth

The image of the Virgin Mary is a recurrent motif in the work of the great master. The 19 reproductions dedicated to this sacred theme are genuine masterpieces.
The Conestabile Madonna, the Madonna del Cardellino, the Madonna del Belvedere, La Belle Jardinière, the Canigiani Holy Family, the Holy Family with a Lamb.
These are compositions that break from the models of Leonardo Da Vinci. In the Madonna del Granduca, Raphael’s Madonna is depicted as a devotional icon that would enjoy great success over the centuries.
Among his later Madonnas, the Madonna della Seggiola remains unforgettable. It is the truest and therefore most fascinating Madonna among the many painted by Raphael.
More than any other painter, Raphael was a point of reference for artists who adopted the Urbino master’s models their own. His art soon spread throughout Italy and characterised the figurative art culture of the years to come.

The exhibited works

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