Leopardi. Il poeta dell’infinto. January 7 and 8 on Rai 1 the miniseries co-produced and sitributes worldwide by Rai Com

The highly anticipated 2025 drama season on Rai will kick off with Leopardi. Il poeta dell’infinito, a miniseries directed by Sergio Rubini. Scheduled to air in prime time on Rai 1 on Tuesday, Jan. 7, and Wednesday, Jan. 8, the production is co-produced and globally distributed by Rai Com. The two-part series explores the life and times of Giacomo Leopardi, portrayed by Leonardo Maltese. Joining him are Alessio Boni as his father, Count Monaldo Leopardi; Valentina Cervi as his mother, Adelaide Antici; Giusy Buscemi as his muse, Fanny Targioni Tozzetti; Cristiano Caccamo as his close friend, Antonio Ranieri; Fausto Russo Alesi as his mentor, Pietro Giordani; and Alessandro Preziosi as Don Carmine.

Rai Com
January 3, 2025 (N. 1)