Mameli: The Boy Who Dreamed of Italy now available on DVD

The TV movie, directed by Luca Lucini and Ago Panini, inspired from the final years of the short life of poet and patriot Goffredo Mameli, is now available in stores and digital stores.
Actor Riccardo De Rinaldis Santorelli portrays Goffredo Mameli, a young student from Genoa who composed the melody that would later evolve into the national anthem of the Italian Republic, positioning himself among the prominent figures at the beginning of Italy’s Risorgimento.
The cast includes Amedeo Gullà, Neri Marcorè, Isabella Briganti, Barbara Venturato, Lucia Mascino, Luca Ward, and Chiara Celotto. 
The film is based on the historical novel Mameli by Giulio Leoni, published by Rai Libri.