Sound Sensation. Musica Senza Barriere – March 3, Auditorium RAI Arturo Toscanini, Torino

On March 3rd, on the occasion of the World Hearing Day 2024, the annual global advocacy event for raising awareness regarding hearing loss and promoting ear and hearing care, and calling for action to address hearing loss and related issues, deaf artists from all over Europe will reunite on stage for a show dedicated to music and deafness. The event is organized by Fondazione Akusia Onlus, Associazione APIC, in cooperation with Rai per la Sostenibilità-ESG, Rai Centro Ricerche Innovazione Tecnologica e Sperimentazione, with the support of Rai Centro di Produzione TV di Torino, Rai Radiofonia, Rai Pubblica Utilità for LIS and Med-EI. Sound Sensation. Musica Senza Barriere will involve all hearing impaired people present to the show.  The initiative falls under a license agreement between Rai Com and Fondazione Akusia Onlus.