Prix Italia 2023, RAI chooses Puglia for the 75th edition, from October 2nd – 6th

The 75th Prix Italia returns to Bari (Apulia) thanks to the Rai Com and Regione Puglia protocol agreement.
Ready for the future, more confident, more connected and therefore in line with contemporary needs and the strategic goals of broadcasters, the Prix Italia 2023 edition becomes the Festival of audiovisual and digital excellence open to the public, to young people and innovation.
The Rai-branded event will present the best international productions of Radio, Podcast, TV and Digital products.
After 2022 « Sustainable Me », « Engage Me » is the title chosen for this year’s edition to define the Prix Italia as a sustainable event ESG. 
For the occasion, Rai will initiate a pilot project of analysis and monitoring of all processes. 
Piazza del Ferrarese in Bari will accomodate the Rai live broadcasts, along with the numerous events, meetings and previews in program.
Prix Italia 2023 is organized by Rai, in collaboration with Regione Puglia, Assessorato al Turismo with the Agenzia Regionale del Turismo Pugliapromozione.