Teatri Aperti/Theatres Open – An evening of Neapolitan Theatre between new titles and traditions on Rai 2 

Comedies performed in Neapolitan language by the most popular actors of the ongoing tradition.
The Rai 2 summer appointment with the Neapolitan theatre is scheduled every week on Thursday evenings.
On August 3rd, the third play of the Teatri Aperti cycle is “Non Mi Dire Te L’ho Detto” written and performed by Paolo Caiazzo; on August 10th “Colpo di Scena” by and with Carlo Buccirosso, on August 17th, Eduardo Scarpetta’s “Miseria e Nobiltà” with Lello Arena.
The emotions and the irony of the Neapolitan theater tradition continue to gain the approval of the tv audience, with an average of 5.6% share for the first two plays previously broadcasted on Rai 2. The Teatri Aperti event falls under under an agreement between Rai Com and the Campania Region through Scabec S.p.A., Società Campana Beni Culturali, with the POC 2014-2020 funds.