Novecento – The Movies, July releases 

From July 1st, the Prime Video on-demand channel Novecento – The Movies dedicated to cult movies and edited by Rai Com releases its monthly lineup dedicated to the 1980s and 1990s titles. The 1980s and 1990s films selected for the Novecento – The Movies public are Italian-style comedies, « L’Amour en Première Classe » (1980) by Salvatore Samperi, « Leather Berets » (1981) by Giorgio Capitani and « A Blast of Life » (1988) and «Liar in Paradise » (1998) by Enrico Oldoini, Antonella Ponziani’s “The Last World Cup » (1998) and the biographical drama « Farinelli – Voce Regina » (1994) by Gérard Corbiau.