International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Italy commemorates the victims of the Shoah on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which “every year – says President Sergio Mattarella – urges us to remember, to bear witness to, and to meditate on the tragic events that swept through Europe in the first half of the 20th century”. With dedicated programming, Rai revisits the tragedy of the mass deportations and concentration camps with numerous in-depth programmes on television, radio and on RaiPlay. At 20.35 on Rai 1 Fabio Fazio accompanies viewers on a live visit of the Shoah Memorial at Milan’s Central Station. At his side, concentration camp survivor Senator Liliana Segre. Grief and outrage together with a determination and hope that such horrors are never repeated. A hope embodied by the characters of the series “La guerra è finita”, on DVD from Rai Com, directed by Michele Soavi and starring Michele Riondino and Isabella Ragonese, in which survivors of the deportations finally return home.