Final season of ‘La Porta Rossa’ on Rai 2, Rai Com publishes soundtrack

The denouement of one of TV’s most popular series is fast approaching. Just a few more weeks and we will know whether police superintendent Leonardo Cagliostro, still a prisoner in the world of the living, will be able to pass through ‘La Porta Rossa’ (The Red Door) and finally put an end to his existence on this Earth. Written by Carlo Lucarelli and Giampiero Rigosi, and starring Lino Guanciale, Gabriella Pession and Valentina Romani, the series broadcast at prime time on Wednesday evenings on Rai 2 is now in its final season. The story is accompanied by an original soundtrack by Stefano Lentini (Rai Com Music Publishing) available on the Spotify, iTunes and Deezer platforms.

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